Spellbreak tips and tricks: Best class combos that every battlemage should consider Conduit/Toxicologist. Hardened makes you immune to tick damage and renders shock and freeze nearly useless against you; Dexterity allows extra speed and mobility (the closest we've got to Chapter 2 levitation lol); and Vampiric is arguably the. As for the best Body Talent in Spellbreak, Scavenging is the clear winner for me. The Spellbreak Gauntlets come in six elemental-types: Frost, Flame, Stone, Wind, Lightning, and Toxic. I'm playing spellbreak with two friends and we want to use all the elements but we don't know what combo use, can someone tell me some good combos. Posted by 1 year ago. Hogwarts Legacy offers around 34 spells for you to learn through main story. Spellbreak is a free to play Battle Royale full of magic. Players use spell guantlets to cast spells but what's interesting about this is the elements can mi. r/Spellbreak. FIRE. Lightning off hand for ranged enemies. . Your sorcery is Toxic Cloud. They’re performed by moving the effect of one attack into the effect of. The sheer number of powerful combos available here makes it absolutely top tier, but typically when paired properly. The Stoneshaper is just a solid all around class that mixes powerful close quarters attacks with long-range capability as well. It’s a good choice for team players, especially if you can manage to be well coordinated. Spellbreak COMPLETE CLASS Tier List For Chapter 3My thoughts on the class balance for Spellbreak Chapter 3: The Wardens! I rank each specific class (toxicolo. Stoneskin on its own will. 12 Stone And. Fire and lightning don’t have any combos. Your spell applies Corrosion, which deals DOT to armor. Level 3: Squall – For the first second you are in the air, spell damage increased by 20% and incoming damage reduced by 10%. Accio, Levioso, and Descendo Combos. The Survivor - Hardened/Dexterity/Vampiric. Spellbreak Elements List. The two best runes you should be on the lookout for as a Conduit are the Flight and Springstep runes. Spellbreak Combos List. See moreSpellbreak wind combos Ice: Your Tornado will alter the trajectory of an Ice Lance, and remove any Ice or Water puddles or. Log In Sign Up. In my opinion, the best class in Spellbreak for most players right now is the Stoneshaper. User account menu. . Related: The Best Spellbreak Combos and Their Full List. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsHere are the builds I go with for each class: Pyromancer: vigor, scavenging, reckless. Obviously the sorceries combo well. You can be damaged by your own Toxic Cloud, but it will. Search within r/Spellbreak. While. Contents show. Fire off hand. CPU – Intel Core i5-6400 / AMD FX-6300 GPU– NVIDIA GeForce GT 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB; RAM – 8GB Operating System – 64-Bit Windows 7, 8. You launch forward a toxic glob that transforms into a toxic cloud on impact. Proletariat, Inc. With both sorceries you should have enough options to always apply pressure. Pyromancer: Tracking + Fervor + Recovery. Contents show Spellbreak Gauntlet list. So far, Spellbreak has pulled a ton of twitch viewers into a world of magical mayhem. Best Spellbreak Class Combo: Fire, Poison. This one of the best combos in SpellBreak because of all of the fast speed fun and overall high damage output potential. 13 Fire And Lightning - Battle Royale And Dominion. Spellbreak Gauntlet combos allow you to combine the effects of more than one attack. . recently released Spellbreak for PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. Use springstep to approach and stay slightly above your enemies and rain fireballs on them. Level 1: Toxic Spray – Leaves toxic puddles on the ground and creates a puddle underneath your targets feet upon contact. Level 2: Vanishing Mists – Immune to squad's Toxic Clouds. 1 or 10 These are the requirements for running Spellbreak. Its pretty impossible to name the best best combo but I’ll list you some great setups. · 9m. You can use the following talent combinations when deciding on a character class on Spellbreak. Spellbreak Fire Combos. Level 2: Updraft – Immune to your Tornadoes pull effect, and upon entering your squad's Tornado you'll be launched into the air. Best combo with Pyromancer? Discussion & Feedback. Found the internet! 1. Spellbreak: 14 Best Spell Combos, Ranked 14 Wind And Stone - Dominion. Remember, one person’s trash is. Since Shockwave and Boulderfall each gain three combos, we have six new attacks! The names and effects of all five new Stone combos in Spellbreak are listed and described below: Shockwave + Ice Puddles/Blocks: Shockwave destroys ice puddles and blocks, creating a damaging ice mist. Level 4: Sudden Gust – For the first second while in the air, Sorcery cooldown speed. Toxic – Best Spellbreak Gauntlets for Strategy. Toxic works well for strategic plays and particularly when using as a combo. Frostborn arguably has the highest skill ceiling of any of. Master elemental magic to fit your playstyle and cast powerful spell combinations to dominate other players across the Hollow Lands. Krashys. There are six major Spellbreak Elements that your gauntlet can wield. Frostborn (Ice) – Best Gauntlet Elements. Press J to jump to the feed. Stoneshaper: Runic Fluency + Fervor +. Sort by: best. Unlike other Battle Royale games, Spellbreak's attacks rely on magic, and to gather that power, your character has to use powerful Gauntlets. . Each element embodies a certain aspect of nature and the user can imbue their gauntlets with the element of their choice. Close. 61. Level 3: Outbreak – Toxic Spray damage increased by 75% while invisible. Pyromancer/Toxic Toxicologist/Frost Stoneshaper/Fire Tempest/Fire Frostborn/Toxic Conduit/Fire. . By using element combos, you can define your playstyle. Toxic Cloud also applies Corrosion to enemies’ armor. . As you can guess, it's a battle royale game that swaps out weapons for elemental powers. Level 1: Potential Energy – Lighting Bolt deals +1 damage for each bolt fired until you stop casting up to a maximum of +5. Become the Ultimate Battlemage! Spellbreak is a multiplayer action-spellcasting game where you unleash your inner battlemage. Tempest: focused mana, scavenging, ambidextrous. Shockwave + Flamewall/Flame Puddles:. 2k. In this spellbreak pc gameplay, I sh. Spellbreak: Best Gauntlets, Elements & Class Combos 1. Tempest Main - Pair Pyro or Toxic. Related: Best Spellbreak Combos. That’s because, unlike most battle royales, this one combines weapons together to make the battlefield your own. Diffindo, Confringo, and Glacius Combo. Frostborn: Focused Mana + Fortitude + Thirsty. Best Talent combinations for different Spellbreak Classes. Spellbreak Best Combos Guide/All gauntlet combinations That I found GOOD 2020in this guide i will show you all gauntlet elemental combos of spells in spellbr. To say Spellbreak has made an impact on the battle royale genre is an understatement. It is the high damage brawler style in close quarters that outdamages lightning, but on open fields it's a bit less reliable and can be. On the ground they are easy prey for your stone, in the air your lightning punishes them. Here is a list of the combos in Spellbreak of various types: Fire, Ice, Stone, Wind, Toxic, and Lightning> And finally, the best combos in Spellbreak. The spell combos with different elements will assist you in making useful magic. . level 1. 1. These are just some of the solid gauntlet combinations for each class! 2. Protego, Stupefy, and Depulso Combo. However, this pair of. One of the strongest builds for surviving fights and outlasting your opponents. Its ability to work with every other gauntlet. 💕. You can make sure your system can meet these requirements by checking its specs in the system panel. As the name indicates, the Stonehaper draws on the power of earth and stone. Enter your Toxic Clouds to dash forward and become invisible for three seconds. The best Body Talents. This class benefits a ton from having high mobility to maintain your constant damage output. Level 2: Overload - Every time you cast Lighting Strike you gain +1 Rune charge,. This class is probably. Springstep rune. Use springstep to approach and stay slightly above your enemies and rain fireballs on them. Conduit: Harmony + Fervor + Recklessness. When you exile ( Spellbreak ’s name for a kill) an enemy, it restores 25/30/35/50 health. Players squad up. . Archived. It has a cooldown of 15 seconds, and the cloud lasts for 5 seconds. Wind is one of the most versatile elements. Become the Ultimate Battlemage! Spellbreak is a multiplayer action-spellcasting game where you unleash your inner battlemage. Pyro Main - Pair Tempest, Stone, Or Toxic. For best primary potential wise use Pyro or Tempest, Pyro for more damage but will still give you flight through firewall aswell as your movement ability, Tempest will give you way more manouverability for outplays but the skill ceiling is much higher. Master elemental magic to fit your playstyle and cast powerful spell combinations to dominate other players across the Hollow Lands. Content Creator.